Coping with stress in a positive manner can be difficult; after all, you can’t control the many problems that you will have to face as you journey through life. In the 1970s, psychiatrists Homes and Rahe created a scale of stressful life events, called the Homes and Rahe Stress Scale. Based on research from over 5000 medical patients, the scale assigns a numerical value, out of 100, to indicate how stressful a given life event is. Death of a spouse ranks as the highest on the list with a value of 100, while divorce and marital separation follow with values of 73 and 65, respectively. Going through the scale and tallying the stressful life events you’ve experienced should give you an idea of how affected you are by stress.
The more stressful life events you experience, the more you need to work to manage you stress in a manner that is healthy. Quantum Jumping is a tool that will help you to effectively release stress and cope with the life events that impact you most. In essence, it’s a visualization method where you’re given the tools to access your own infinite potential. Take some time to find out more about Quantum Jumping in order to learn how to open the door to this potential.