fredag 28. september 2012

Your Guide to Coping with Stress

coping with stressStress is your body’s physiological and psychological response to the events, situations, and people you encounter in life. Although it’s completely natural to experience stress from time to time, too much stress can definitely have a negative impact on how healthy you feel. Over the long term, too much stress can contribute to illness by increasing your susceptibility to the common cold and flu, weakening your body’s immune response, and causing heart problems such as high blood pressure. Too much stress is also bad for your mental health;depression, anxiety, and addiction can all be brought on by the experience of stress.
Coping with stress in a positive manner can be difficult; after all, you can’t control the many problems that you will have to face as you journey through life. In the 1970s, psychiatrists Homes and Rahe created a scale of stressful life events, called the Homes and Rahe Stress Scale. Based on research from over 5000 medical patients, the scale assigns a numerical value, out of 100, to indicate how stressful a given life event is. Death of a spouse ranks as the highest on the list with a value of 100, while divorce and marital separation follow with values of 73 and 65, respectively. Going through the scale and tallying the stressful life events you’ve experienced should give you an idea of how affected you are by stress.
The more stressful life events you experience, the more you need to work to manage you stress in a manner that is healthy. Quantum Jumping is a tool that will help you to effectively release stress and cope with the life events that impact you most. In essence, it’s a visualization method where you’re given the tools to access your own infinite potential. Take some time to find out more about Quantum Jumping in order to learn how to open the door to this potential. 

Your Guide to Coping with Stress

coping with stressStress is your body’s physiological and psychological response to the events, situations, and people you encounter in life. Although it’s completely natural to experience stress from time to time, too much stress can definitely have a negative impact on how healthy you feel. Over the long term, too much stress can contribute to illness by increasing your susceptibility to the common cold and flu, weakening your body’s immune response, and causing heart problems such as high blood pressure. Too much stress is also bad for your mental health;depression, anxiety, and addiction can all be brought on by the experience of stress.
Coping with stress in a positive manner can be difficult; after all, you can’t control the many problems that you will have to face as you journey through life. In the 1970s, psychiatrists Homes and Rahe created a scale of stressful life events, called the Homes and Rahe Stress Scale. Based on research from over 5000 medical patients, the scale assigns a numerical value, out of 100, to indicate how stressful a given life event is. Death of a spouse ranks as the highest on the list with a value of 100, while divorce and marital separation follow with values of 73 and 65, respectively. Going through the scale and tallying the stressful life events you’ve experienced should give you an idea of how affected you are by stress.
The more stressful life events you experience, the more you need to work to manage you stress in a manner that is healthy. Quantum Jumping is a tool that will help you to effectively release stress and cope with the life events that impact you most. In essence, it’s a visualization method where you’re given the tools to access your own infinite potential. Take some time to find out more about Quantum Jumping in order to learn how to open the door to this potential. 

torsdag 27. september 2012

Harness the Power of Positive Thinking!

Positive psychology is the field of study that investigates how and why people are able to thrive – to experience happiness, health, and prosperity. In contrast to traditional psychology, which is rooted in the investigation of mental illnesses and psychological abnormalities, positive psychology is focused on trying to understand human happiness.
Researchers in the field have identified the power of positivity by studying the effects of optimism on various aspects of life. Indeed, positive thinking has been shown to have a profound effect on a person’s physical health, social relationships, love life, mental and emotional health, and experience of stress. The benefits to thinking “happy thoughts” are numerous; from increased longevity, to having more friends, to a better sex life, optimists seem to have it all.
Perhaps the reason that positive thinking is so powerful is that it’s contagious. After all, most of us can’t help but laugh when we see someone else laughing, or smile when we see someone else smiling. We’re programmed to share these emotions with each other. When you are giving off good vibrations, not only are you likely to inspire positivity in others, you’ll also attract positivity to you – in the form of great friends, wealth, physical health, and a thriving career. The cycle of positivity keeps on giving, so long as you keep up the good feeling.
If you want to ‘turn your frown upside down’ and start thinking more optimistically, you need to understand how to overcome negative thought patterns. Your brain is hard-wired to focus on the bad, to pick out the negative aspects of something, and to complain. You need a way to step outside of the confines of your mind and actually find out how to access your inner source of positivity. 

How to get organized - essential tips

how to get organizedWhen your life is disorganized, it can leave you feeling frenzied, scatterbrained, and unfocused. You might have difficulty completing the things you need to do in a timely manner, or even remembering what it is you need to do. Although you might be able to get by this way, you certainly cannot function at your optimal level. You need to learn how to get organized. When you simplify your life you challenge yourself to focus and you regain mental clarity. You can increase your productivity and still have time left over for the things that you enjoy. The following tips can help you understand how to get organized.

1. Understand that less is more.

If you have too much on your plate, you need to slow down and realize that you only get one life. Ask yourself if you truly enjoy all of the things you do – and if the answer is no try making some changes. It’s nice to keep busy, but there is an optimum balance between having nothing to do and having too much to do. When you have too much on your plate, you will constantly feel as though you aren’t accomplishing anything. Ideally, you should be busy enough to feel productive, but not so busy that you’re running from one thing to the next. The most important thing is that you reserve some ‘you’ time each and every day. Take a long bath, go for a jog, try out a new recipe, or spend some time outside.

2. Learn from your twin-selves.

Through an advanced visualization technique called Quantum Jumping, you can access information about yourself that you never thought was possible. Your potential is limitless, and its manifest in your twin-selves. Your twin-selves are versions of you living in alternate universes, and as it turns out you can learn a lot from them. Why? Because they’ve had a whole range of different life experiences. One of your twin selves is a professional chef, another is an architect, and still another is a radio deejay. Each and every one of these people can help you understand how to get your life organized so that you can do more. All you need to do is find out how to make a quantum leap towards understanding your own limitless potential.
Find out how Quantum Jumping can help you get organized.

Sign up for Free Quantum Jumping Lessons today!

3. Set realistic goals for yourself.

how to get organizedIf you don’t know where your future is headed because your mind is too clouded with moment-to-moment busy-ness, it’s likely that you’re not really moving forward. In order to make actual progress you need to learn how to set both short- and long-term goals for yourself. By doing so, you identify the important things in your life and you can lift yourself up from the chaos of the moment-to-moment. People who accomplish a lot have the ability to see their lives with both a narrow and a broad perspective; the day-to-day activities add up to something much larger in the long-term.

4. What’s important? Prioritize.

Once you’ve set goals for yourself, you need to prioritize and choose which goals are important to you now and which ones will come later. It can help to make a list of all of the things that you need or want to do. You can do it on a daily basis, a weekly basis, or over the long-term, depending on what you want to accomplish and your timeline for doing so. Put those things which are important to you at the top of your list and go from there. But, be flexible. You may have to adjust your priorities in order to accommodate for the unexpected.


When you free yourself from your mental frenzy through relaxation, you give yourself the chance to regain your sense of clarity and evaluate everything that is going on in your life. The Quantum Jumping technique can help you to learn how to stimulate instant relaxation, so that you can tear off the blinders you’re wearing and gain some perspective when you feel overwhelmed. Through the Quantum Jumping relaxation technique you can learn how to get organized. Take some time to find out more about Quantum Jumping today. 

mandag 24. september 2012

Empower Network Review – Should you join?!

The conclusion of this Empower Network review is that if you have decided that you want to succeed online, Empower Network is a great platform to start. It is definitely not a get reach quick scheme, and it will require work and effort from your part in order to make it working for you.
In addition you will be able to promote any other opportunity that you want on the Empower Network blogging platform, whether it is affiliate programs, network marketing or even your own product or any other line of business.
How much money can you make with Empower Network?
Well, this is the wrong question, because you are asking about the results, and the results completely depend on your efforts. However, if you want to earn $1000 a month, all you need is to find 8 people that will upgrade to the “Inner Circle”. Probably even less because of the pass-up feature of the compensation plan. Now all you need to think about is how many people do you need to attract to your blog posts inside Empower Network in order to generate these sales.
The assumption here is that all you need to do is to focus on generating traffic to the website, and let David Wood do for you what he knows best, which is closing the sales.

søndag 23. september 2012

The Empower Network

The Empower Network

To the People who don’t know what the Empower Network is all about, The Empower Network is right now one of the most popular affiliate companies on the web today. This direct response and personal development company is so popular because it actually pays you 100 percent commission on the affiliate products you sell. Definitely if you haven’t heard of them you are out of the online business loop to which you can or should have been generating revenue even if you are just sitting down in the comfort of your own computer. The Empower Network has allowed many businesses, small or big, to become a system that allows them to promote, advertise and take their business worldwide in a whole new stage. The many advantages of the viral blogging platform and training can quickly improve one’s site and it could actually earn you 100 percent commissions for the products that you sell.

4 Significant Steps on How to Succeed with Empower Network

Are you one of those who really tried to ignore Empower Network? Have you ever experienced to hear it from your friends and incessantly asked you to join and you never did? Have you heard it on Facebook as well? There is no doubt, everywhere you turned, people were talking about Empower Network’s 100 % commissions!
When you saw how your colleagues are earning because of Empower Network, you finally made up your mind and joined. After that, what is next? It is time to figure out how to succeed in Empower Network! Here are the 4 major steps you need to follow in order to achieve success with Empower Network.

Step 1  - Set up your Empower Network Account

You need not worry about all of the technicalities regarding setting up your account. Once you are signed up, you will get inside access to the system itself where you have to set up your merchant account.

Step 2 – Blog Everyday to your Empower Network Blog!

The entire idea behind empower network is to drive Visitors to your Empower Network blog by blogging daily. This can be a secret but many people and online entrepreneurs don’t know the internet search engine really rewards UNIQUE, RELEVANT CONTENT. Even if the content you post isn’t Search engine optimized… Ok now what performs this means.. Which means that whatever you blog about what you’re enthusiastic about, whenever you create a video and explain your passion around the world… whatever it is… Google, Yahoo and Bing will be sending visitors to that blog publish that you simply publish. So when you are applying some advanced training that you’ll receive inside your Empower Network members area, become familiar with some Search engine optimization techniques that will quadruple your traffic.
Incidentally the greater amount of traffic you drive to your blog, the greater amount of visitors you will have to your Empower Network blog site, and much more 100% commission sales you’ll make. Nevertheless this means you’ll invest in blogging At least one time daily…. Send Visitors to your Empower Network blog and permit David Wood and David Sharpe to close the deal for you!! A significant and fair enough deal right?

Step 3 – Market Empower Network Every Day

Set a goal for having a minimum of 20 people daily visiting and opting in to your site. That one simple factor Each Day, you’ll interact having a minimum of 400 people monthly supposing 5 days every week. Do you not believe from 400 contacts you’ll come with an interested party? Absolutely! HOW BAD Do You Want 100% DAILY COMMISSIONS

Step 4 – Make use of a Proactive Approach in your Empower Network Blogs in Short, Have a Call to Action in Each and Every Post!

The Call to Action may be the easiest and many over-looked part of marketing. It is necessary here, because you need to drive traffic towards your Empower Network blog. Each blog submission should have a Proactive Approach to be able to work.
The main reason you need to possess a Proactive Approach or a Call to Action in every post is to ensure that your visitors get sound advice.
Thousands of Empower Network Members are jumping on board daily and therefore are finding out how to flourish in Empower Network… And therefore are SUCCEEDING!! Why don’t you? Visit >> Empower Network and Get Ready to Change your Life by getting 100% Commissions!
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onsdag 19. september 2012

Money Making Blog!

Check out my other money making blog! Join our powerful team and design your own future thru blogging!

søndag 16. september 2012

Create your vision board!

Gather a huge stack of old magazines, a pair of scis- sors, and some glue. Flip through the magazines look- ing for any pictures, words, or phrases that illustrate your dreams and goals. The more specific the better. Arrange your images on a posterboard, corkboard, etc.
After you've arranged and glued all your pictures
onto your dream board, it's time to put it up. Have
fun choosing a spot where you know you'll see your dream board every day. Look at it with pleasure.
Visualize it becoming a reality. 

lørdag 8. september 2012


Who hasn’t felt “stressed-out’” and longed for just a “moment’s peace” to just be able to put our feet up and relax?
Close your eyes for a moment.  Imagine a time when you felt completely stressed-out or uptight.  It doesn’t have to be a bad memory – even happy events (say your wedding day) can cause stress.  Now, stay there for just a bit – take a minute to remember how your body felt at the time.  Muscles tight?  Stomach queasy?   Temples pounding?  Heart racing?
how to relax

Now bring to mind a time when you felt serene, relaxed, peaceful.  The memory doesn’t have to be anything particularly special.  Sitting on a park bench enjoying the sun on your face and the sound of children at play can be just as (even more) relaxing than a dream vacation.  Again, take a moment to note how your body feels when you are relaxed.
It is most likely more difficult to describe how your body feels when in a relaxed state than when stressed.  As a matter-of-fact, when we feel relaxed it is due the absence of feeling stressed.  Our muscles are no longer tight, our heart rate is normal.  In other words, in a relaxed state we do not experience the physical effects stress has on our bodies.