fredag 31. mai 2013

[bonus training] "Hypnotical Force"

Sorry, this training really is just too good to put out there publicly!
So it's available to Empower Network 
members only - and to be truthful, they're
the only ones that I can trust to learn these
secret strategies now, and apply them with
the utmost honor, integrity - and absolute
In this video, Dave Wood breaks down the science of 
hypnotic persuasion through video.
How to do it.
How to get good at it.
How to get what you want through it.
In any business.
The 'secret' formula he is going to share with
you - hasn't been shared anywhere.
Because he invented it.
And now it's done near $60 million in sales.
And he teaches you for free - if you simply join
Empower Network here now.
You can click that picture, and join now, if you choose.
All you have to do after you simply decide to join,
is login here, and click this link (members only folks)
Have a great weekend!

torsdag 30. mai 2013

Getting Clear, and the Power of Chunking

Here is how and why chunking is powerful!

You want to get clear on what you want, here’s why, and how:

The definition of chunking, in psychology, is a phenomenon whereby individuals group responses when performing a memory task. Tests where individuals can demonstrate "chunking" commonly include serial and free recall tasks. All three tasks require the 
individual to reproduce items that he or she had previously been instructed to study. Test items generally include words, syllables, digits/numbers, or lists of letters. Presumably, individuals that exhibit the "chunking" process in their responses are forming clusters of responses based on the items' semantic relatedness or perceptual features. The chunks are often meaningful to the participant. It is believed that the assimilation of different items according to their properties occurs due to individuals creating higher order cognitive representations of the items on the list that are more easily remembered as a group than as individual items, themselves.

Do you want to know more about the power of chunking and other strategies to improve your business or develop as a person?

Have a look at this:


I'll see you on the beaches of the world!

Christer B Herou                                                                                                                          Online Success Coach                                                                                                             Empower Network Member                                                                                                           15K Today Pro Team Member                                                        
Empower Network

onsdag 29. mai 2013

Follow YOUR Dreams!

Follow YOUR dreams, not those of your family or friends.

Be who you want to be and not who you are expected to be. Don't ever be afraid to try new things, to explore, to venture out of your comfort zone. Embrace change and trust in yourself - If you believe in something and work hard enough you truly can achieve anything...   Never give up and never use the word "Impossible" as an excuse - the word itself says 'Im Possible'. Always make time for the small, simple things in life. Spend time with family, with friends and with loved ones. Life is too short, too precious, so forgive others, even when it's hard. Laugh often and smile always.   But above all, make every single second count...Follow Your Dreams!
Follow your dreams

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible. Follow YOUR Dreams!
I'll see on the beaches of the world!
Follow Your Dreams

Christer B Herou                                                                                                                           Online Success Coach                                                                                                                  Empower Network Member                                                                                                           15K Today Pro Team Member                                                              

mandag 27. mai 2013


At the Champions Festival before the 2013 UCL final, Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith had a penalty shootout competition. Of 10 penalties, they scored 1! This is Will's first penalty :-)
Worst penalty of all time by Will Smith!
Some facts about Will Smith:
Willard Christopher "WillSmith Jr. (born September 25, 1968) is an American actor, producer, and rapper. He has enjoyed success in television, film and music. In April 2007, Newsweek called him the most powerful actor in Hollywood. Smith has been nominated for four Golden Globe Awards, two Academy Awards, and has won four Grammy Awards.
In the late 1980s, Smith achieved modest fame as a rapper under the name The Fresh Prince. In 1990, his popularity increased dramatically when he starred in the popular television series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The show ran for nearly six years (1990–1996) on NBC and has been syndicated consistently on various networks since then. In the mid-1990s, Smith moved from television to film, and ultimately starred in numerous blockbuster films. He is the only actor to have eight consecutive films gross over $100 million in the domestic box office, and ten consecutive films gross over $150 million internationally and the only one to have eight consecutive films in which he starred open at #1 spot in the domestic box office tally.
Sixteen of the twenty fiction films he has acted in have accumulated worldwide gross earnings of over $100 million, and four took in over $500 million in global box office receipts. As of 2012, his films have grossed $6.36 billion in global box office. He received Best Actor Oscar nominations for Ali and The Pursuit of Happyness.
If you enjoyed the worst penalty of all time by Will Smith you will love this!
Do you want to make money blogging just like me? Here is how to to it!
I will see you on the beaches of the world!

Empower Network

lørdag 25. mai 2013

Just an ordinary day :-)

= LEADS >>>
= SALES >>>
This happens to me and my team and it can happen to you!!!
So this is HOW IT WORKS!
And check this out for more about this amazing system!
If you want to change your current situation and create your own legacy Empower Network is your solution!!
How much is it to get started making money?! $25!!
Register Now
Empower changed my life and has changed thousand of peoples lives and will continue to do so in the future! 
So the next step is to get in! 

Did you watch the whole video before?! If not - CLICK BELOW:
So take action and join the movement, join Empower Network! It has changed my life and the way I can choose how to live it. How bad do you want a change?!

So take action and join us in our successful and fast growing 15K Today Pro Team. Once you are in you will receive a welcome e mail and get instructions on what to do next. You will get access to our exclusive Private team training website and Facebook Team page.
You will get a detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies that you will use to generate the same top income earned every month in Empower Network.
If you follow this blueprint you will succeed, guaranteed!!!

To Your Success,

Christer B Herou

Christer B Herou
Online Success Coach
Empower Network Member
15K Today Pro Team Member
+47 98695037

fredag 24. mai 2013

How to Create Backlinks

How to Create Backlinks - Get Successful in Your Business

A good article, post, or page will be mentioned, linked to, tweeted about, liked on Facebook, commented on, and so on. Backlinks can occur naturally, or you can take the initiative to advertise your post on several different platforms.
How to create backlinks

Backlink Websites: Yes, there are dedicated backlinking websites that allow you to create short summaries of your pages. Add a link and you’ll have more chances that a visitor will find your website and contact you.

* She Told Me:
* Hub Pages:
* Best-Reviewer:
* Bubblews:
* Xomba:
* Folkd:
* Redgage:
* Squidoo:
Automatic Backlinking & Ping Websites: There are a few websites that are more automatic, but less favorable in creating natural backlinks. These websites will generate tons of backlinks on hundreds of pages quickly, but will not guarantee higher page rank.
* IMAutomator:
* Pingler:

How to Create Backlinks: Step-by-Step

  1. Create initial article, blog post, or content on your website.
  2. Tweet, Post to Facebook, and Google +1.
  3. Create a short 15 word link on Redgage, including a backlink to yourarticle.
  4. Create a similar backlink on Bubblews.
  5. Create another short link on Folkd. Keep these all uniquely worded.
  6. Publish a longer article, perhaps even a review on Infobarrel or Squidoo.
  7. Create articles or short links backlinking to your content on any otherwebsite that you find useful or easy to use.
Using the above tips will help you further optimize your content. These tips do not guarantee sales or leads, but are recommendations that I follow whenever I create website content. If you have any questions about the above content, please feel free to ask and I’ll
advise to the best of my knowledge.
I'll see you on the beaches of the world!
Empower Network

New Evian Film - Baby&Me

onsdag 22. mai 2013

Mors Dag 2013!

Mors Dag 2013 - söndag 26:e maj!

Kom ihåg att gratulera din kära mor och kanske också mamman til dina barn på Mors Dag 2013!
Mors Dag 2013
Mors dag 2013 är en högtid då barn firar sina mödrar, men är även en kommersiell högtid som i Sverige inträffar den sista söndagen i maj. Dagen är officiell flaggdag i Finland. I Sverige är den ej allmän flaggdag, men flaggning är vanligt förekommande.
Dagen introducerades i Philadelphia 1905 av amerikanskan Anna Jarvis för att på årsdagen av sin egen mors, Ann Jarvis, bortgång hedra dennas minne. Den 10 maj 1908 hölls därför en gudstjänst med fokus på fjärde budet och moderskärlek. Kyrkan pryddes av Jarvis själv och till alla besökare delades vita nejlikor ut, moderns favoritblomma.
Dagen spreds i resten av USA under de närmaste åren och blev 1914 officiell helgdag. Även till Europa kom seden, först till Storbritannien och sedan till Skandinavien. I Sverige firades mors dag första gången 1919 på initiativ av Cecilia Bååth-Holmberg. Det var dock först många decennier senare som dagen uppmärksammades i större omfattning. Personer födda på tidigt nittonhundratal och deras barn firade inte dagen i någon större omfattning. Många hade uppfattningen att dagen endast tillkommit av kommersiella skäl för att handlarna skulle få sälja mera. De tyckte samma sak om Fars dag som inte heller den firades i någon större omfattning de första decennierna. Först på senare tid har dessa dagar uppmärksammats i större omfattning i Sverige.

Här är en liten film om Mors Dag 2013 :-)

Vill du också blogga och tjäna pengar på att göra det?!

Mors Dag 2013

 Bli en del av rörelsen och bli en del av vårt framgångsrika team!
Empower Network

Empower Network

mandag 20. mai 2013

This is Your Opportunity To Build A Wildly Profitable Business and Have an Amazing Life - Right Now

Dear Future Empowered BadAss,
Right here, right now, you have a unique opportunity to change your life - and by that, I mean - make more money and be more free - and do it without the typical set-up and hassles that most programs require you to “jump through”.
More good news: we pay 100% commissions on our core product line, and we’re proud of that. Because we started this company to help our teams succeed (without the usual roadblocks)- and to improve the quality of our people’s lives - and now, to now give you a vehicle to you can use to live your dreams (whatever those may be).
Last bit of good news for now: Our system works (as you can see). Thousands of people are getting results. Most of whom, have struggled for years until now.
So Don’t Waste Another Minute Wondering if This Will Work
For You - It Will, If You Can Follow Some Simple Instructions -
Let Us Show You Exactly How It Works.....
Old School MLM 

I'll see you on the beaches of the world!

- Christer B Herou
Empower Network

Empower Network

søndag 19. mai 2013

Our Mission is Simple.

To Empower as many people as possible through our products, our opportunity, and our honest and authentic message of hope and freedom.
Our company was founded on the idea that you can build a business and have a life at the same time. And that you can use all the struggles, hardships and experiences you’ve had in life and turn them into your most empowering assets.
So far we’ve done that. People who have struggled for years in business are having success with our opportunity. Customers who have searched for simple and honest marketing systems and training programs are having breakthroughs and getting results with our products. And, most importantly, our members are finding their purpose in business and life through attending our events, interacting with our community and learning from our leadership.
The Only Thing Missing is YOU.
empower network

So join us by clicking here. Let us Empower you. And help you Empower the world.
And this is what it's all about.
I will see you on the beaches of the world!
- Christer B Herou
Empower Network

Empower Network 

tirsdag 14. mai 2013

So how can I get set-up with my own blog and start making money ASAP?

This is how....

Impressive stats

Want to know how to market? Get the 15K Formula.
Need a blog so you can start getting up marketing material? BOOM, buy the Viral Blogging System.

Need to change your mindset? Start listening to the Inner Circle audios.

Need training on higher level thinking, understanding where you are at and team building? Get the Costa Rica products and go through them.

Let's do it!
Christer B Herou

Empower Network

søndag 12. mai 2013

Gas station prank

Have a look at this hilarious gas station prank!

A couple, Will and Monifa Sims, appeared on Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" after a stunning karaoke performance at a gas station which went viral. The couple were caught up in a "Tonight Show" camera prank at the station.
Leno was so impressed by their performance that he invited them to the show.
The couple stopped at a gas pump where the "Tonight Show" had planted a camera.

Here is the gas station prank: 

gas station prank

Click here to watch the gas station prank.
The video shows Will Sims singing while he fills his car. An anchor on the TV screen above the pump tells him he is on "Pumpcast News" and that he will get free gas if he performs a song.
Will is surprised at first, but then he recovers. He offers to sing Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer."
The anchor offers to supply the lyrics so he can sing the entire song. But Will answers "No, I know them baby."
He begins singing while his wife bursts into uncontrollable laughter in the car. The anchor then asks him if he wants to do a duet with his wife. He says no. After he finishes the song the anchor tells him he is "living on a free tank of gas," and Will sings, "About to pump it up. Living for the gas."
His wife eventually gets out of the car to do a duet with him. She sings Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams." Will and Monifa are delightful to listen to.
Leno was so impressed by the performance of the couple that he invited them on the "Tonight Show."
Leno said the two were "so entertaining and it was so nice to see a happy couple."
Here is another thing to watch (but it is not a prank;-)):
Master the call to action

See you on the beaches of the world!
- Christer B Herou
Christer B Herou

lørdag 11. mai 2013

5000++ will be there!

 This is the place to be this summer!!!
Me and my team are going there and so are 5000++ other members!
The event in Denver is already close to being sold out!

Don't be a wussy

Have a great weekend!
Empower Network

Let's do it. ($25 to start)