mandag 30. september 2013

Your Secret Hangout - Link Is Inside

Below you'll find your link to the page we'll be hosting the Secret Pre-Launch Hangout tonight. 
What you're going to see and hear will BLOW YOU AWAY. This could be the most exciting (and profitable) "news" you have heard in a long time (possibly, ever).
Prepare for some game-changing information, and a life-changing opportunity.
Click this link at 9pm EST (actually, be there 10-15 minutes early)
We'll see you at 9pm EST tonight!
Christer B Herou                                                                                                          
"It's so easy... I can't even believe it"
Christer B Herou

søndag 29. september 2013

WL - LIVE Hangout - "The Almighty Decision"

You are cordially invited to “The Women’s Lounge”
this Sunday, September 29th, 2013 at 8:00PM EST
The Weekly Women’s Lounge discussing
wholeness in wealth, health and happiness.
This week’s topic:
“The Almighty Decision”
So often, we pretend we’ve made a
decision, what we’ve really done is
signed up to try until it gets too
In this week’s hangout, the ladies will
talk about decision making and how to
use it to create wealth and success in
your life.  Learn to expand your beliefs
to learn what is available to you in all
areas of your life!
So grab a comfy seat, a warm drink and
come chill with us!
To attend simply click the link below at
8:00PM EST on September 29th, 2013.
See you there,

How Do You Want To Live Your Life – Episode 5

Some of my friends started up a project in Thailand a while ago. If you are looking for an alternative way of living you should check this out!
And here is the final Episode for this season!

They basically wanted to give people the chance to break out of the typical matrix of working from 9-5. I think it's pretty exciting!
Stay tuned for the next season of Another Way Of Living, I will post it pretty soon!
Do you want to now more about the project and how you can live your life to its full potential, you can be part of the project here.
Have a great day and I'll see you soon!

Hangout and signup problems

If you did not get the chance to catch the Hangout from or team you should look at the replay:
For those of you that are still having problems signing up there are 2 common problems with the registration:
1) You are attempting to sign up from your mobile. Currently this is not possible so you need to sign up on your laptop or desktop. 
2) You are on our Join page but you are not scrolling all the way through the Terms of Service (TOS). In order to activate the button and complete the loop, you need to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the TOS.
Here is the link for the signup link again:
Go ahead and try this and do not hesitate to contact me if you still can't get registered :-)
Have a great Sunday!
Best regards,
Christer B Herou -
Let's do it. ($25 to start)

onsdag 25. september 2013

The Blog Beast!

Empower Network Version 2.0 is here! 

The Blog Beast is coming.... 
... and you better get ready! 
The Blog Beast

The Internet will never be the same!
Have a wonderful and prosperous day!
- Christer B Herou -
Christer B Herou

tirsdag 24. september 2013

What if I don’t have the $25 to join?

Mike got an email today of someone asking him: “What if I don’t have the $25 to join?”
Here is some coaching for anyone that is in that same situation!  Listen up!

Make it a great day!
Christer B Herou

Quick Launch Update

>>>>> Quick Launch UPDATE <<<<<
Just in case you hadn't figured it out
yet, there are a TON of very exciting
enhancements going on for Members
and Affiliates inside Empower Network. 
Blog Beast
Tonight, Tuesday September 24th, we 
are hosting a PRIVATE, Affiliate Only 
Google Hangout to share the details about
the Launching of Empower Network 2.0, 
coming in just a couple of weeks! 
Make sure that to participate in the
biggest Online Product Launch in the
History of Internet Marketing, that right 
before the Join Link is completely SHUT
Down. [Only $25]
Then, to be invited to tonight's LIVE
Google Hangout, you want to become
an Affiliate. 
The cost is only $19.95, and you will
be able to start marketing with us,  
participate in the Launch, and start 
earning 100% Commissions. 
The timing couldn't be better for you
right now, to get started with us.
We are here to show you the way
and teach you everything we know
- if you'll let us. 
>>>>> END UPDATE <<<<<
To Your Prosperity,
Christer B Herou

mandag 23. september 2013

Know Your Important Link

You don’t want to make this mistake in your business or it could cost you LOTS of money!
Mike Hobbs has a great example in the video below.

Make it a great day!
top 10 things to do in Denver

søndag 22. september 2013

Power of Rejuvenation

You are cordially invited to “The Women’s Lounge”
this Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 at 8:00PM EST

The Weekly Women’s Lounge discussing
wholeness in wealth, health and happiness.

This week’s topic:

“Power of Rejuvenation”

Often times we get so wrapped up in the
chaos of our lives that we forget to take
care of our own mind and body, causing
us to have low mental and physical energy.

In this week’s hangout, the ladies will talk
how to live a healthier life so that you can
discover the power of rejuvenation and start
living the ultimate life from the inside out.

So grab a comfy seat, a warm drink and
come chill with us!

To attend simply click the link below at
8:00PM EST on September 22nd, 2013.

You’ll love the Women’s Lounge and
the Lounge will love you back…

See you there,
- Christer B Herou -
Christer B Herou

Motivation by Tony Robbins

Sometimes it’s hard to see opportunity when there is distress in the world… Watch this video by Tony Robbins on how to get over that today…

Have a great weekend!
- Christer B Herou -
Christer B Herou

fredag 20. september 2013

Quote from the founder

I found a great quote from the EN founder David Sharpe that I think you should read:
Elevate the quality of people you let in your life. Spend your time wisely, and don't let anyone or anything rob of you of even a second - if what you're doing or who you're doing it with does not serve your passion and your purpose.

It's ok if you outgrow someone or something. If you all the sudden feel like a relationship is not serving you, and you're no longer growing from it, move on. Sometimes, what's appropriate for one phase of your life is not appropriate for the next phase.

Realize YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE. And you CHOOSE who gets it, and what you spend it doing. It's literally your MOST valuable asset. Make it count.
David Sharpe
Have a great Friday!
Christer B Herou

How Do You Want To Live Your Life – Episode 4

If you have been reading my blog you know I’ve posted about a project in Thailand that some friends started a while ago. If you are looking for an alternative way of living you should check this out!
The story continues and here is Episode 4 in the series!

They basically wanted to give people the chance to break out of the typical matrix of working from 9-5. I think it’s pretty exciting!
Stay tuned for the next episode of Another Way Of Living, I will post it pretty soon!
Do you want to now more about the project and how you can live your life to its full potential, you can be part of the project here.
Have a great day and I’ll see you soon!
Empower Network

torsdag 19. september 2013

Webinar Replay: This Crazy Preacher's Kid Knocks It Out of the Park!

If you missed last night's Live Webinar...
That Crazy Preacher's Kid knocked it out of the park...
Fortunately it will be up for a short time
and you'll want to watch the entire thing
because we gave a way a KILLER bonus...
New Record with over 2133 attendees 
watching every minute...
Have a great Thursday!



onsdag 18. september 2013

Inspirational Preacher

Tonight you’re in for a special treat
on our LIVE Hangout at 8pm EST Tonight
This man grew up as a preachers kid
so right off the bat you already know by
coming to the hangout tonight that his
methods are God-like.
That is IMPRESSIVE to say the least
which is why we really should be charging
you to even attend.
But, this man was gracious enough
because he believes in the bigger
vision that this teams has to free
humanity and decided to grace us
with his presence tonight at 8pm EST!
Needless to say You’ll WANT THIS!
To Your Success!
Empower Network

fredag 13. september 2013

It Costs More To Be Poor

I know this quote sounds crazy:

It Costs More To Be Poor Than It Does To Become Rich

But what I can tell you is if you really look at what you pay for on a daily basis and compare it to how much it costs to become rich… You realize this statement to be true!
Watch this video right now, my friend Mike Hobbs breaks it down in detail…

Make it a great day!

How Do You Want To Live Your Life - Episode 1

Some of my friends started up a project in Thailand a while ago. If you are looking for an alternative way of living you should check this out!
Project AWOL

They basically wanted to give people the chance to break out of the typical matrix of working from 9-5. I think it's pretty exciting!
Stay tuned for the next episode of Another Way Of Living, I will post it pretty soon!
Do you want to now more about the project and how you can live your life to its full potential, you can be part of the project here.  
Have a great day and I'll see you soon!
Empower Network

torsdag 12. september 2013

Do you worry too much?

I have found one of the best ways to fail is to worry about failing!  Interesting isn’t it?
Watch this video from my friend Mike Hobbs… He goes into a little deeper!

I just want to give a quick shout out to our awesome teammates who are taking action & finished last weeks 7 day challenge!  You can gain access to our challenges by joining us here!
Lori Hurst
Lynn Brown
Jessica Smith
Met Rivers
Tammie Lynne Smart
Mary Dahl Christopherson
Debi Talbert
Don Walker
Trisha Barnes
Katherine Clement
Cathy Bridges
Bill Moist
Robert Robbins
Amber Debevec
Gary Akin
Richard Fabulich
White Dove Cindy J
Tony Stewart
Rosemary Smart
Cara Revels Crittenton
Margaret Brice
Lincoln Campbell
Make it a great day!
Empower Network

How To Leverage For Better Results

If you did not get the chance to watch our live webinar yesterday you can always click here.
The webinar covered how you can leverage systems and technology to get better results in your business. 
Leverage systems

Enjoy and make it a great day!

onsdag 11. september 2013

Do You Have What It Takes?!

Hey, have You ever thought about if you have what it takes to be wealthy and prosperous?
Take 2 minutes and fill out this quiz and you will soon find out!

2 Minute Quiz
Are you happy with the results?
Find out more here how you actually can take action and accomplish the goals you have in life.
Make it a great day!
top 10 things to do in Denver

tirsdag 10. september 2013

The Perfect Storm

I have a quick question for you:

How Bad do YOU want Success?


As Bad As This?!

If you really want to Play Big in Your Life...
Join our Hangout tonight and you will get the chance to reach your goals and be successful in what you do!
>>>The Perfect Storm To Your Success Is Here<<<
See you at the TOP!

- Christer B Herou - 
top 10 things to do in Denver