fredag 29. november 2013

Create your own life

Hey Christer here,

David Wood's message for you today is that you can choose to live how other people live, or you can go create your own life, you can go out into the world and create something unique.


David Wood

You can make a decision now, to do something different by dreaming.

The question for you today is - What is your dream?

Make it a perfect Friday!

- Christer
Christer B Herou

søndag 24. november 2013

“Why Culture is Crucial?” Training at 8 EST!

You are cordially invited to “The Women’s Lounge” this Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 8:00PM EST

The Weekly Women’s Lounge discussing wholeness in success, motivation, wealth, health and happiness.

This week’s topic:
“Why Culture is Crucial?”

Whether you REALLY know who you are, what you stand for can, and what your values are can be the biggest cause of your SUCCESS or failure.

In this week’s hangout, the ladies will talk about how to get crystal clear with YOURSELF first!
It is like the old saying…
“If you don’t know where you are going,all roads will lead you there.”

Tonight’s tips are on figuring out WHO YOU ARE and what matters most, so you can figure out where it is you are going & who else you guide!

So grab a comfy seat, a warm drink, and come chill with us!

Make it a perfect day! 



The difference between being a winner and a loser

Listen to what Tony Robbins has to say about the small difference between being a winner and a loser:

Make it a great and winning Sunday!

- Christer 

Click here to be on a winning team



lørdag 23. november 2013

How do you want to live your life?

In today's episode David Wood maps out a 6 step formula for you to design your life
It all starts with setting an intension and making a decision.

Have a great weekend!
- Christer



fredag 22. november 2013

The Majestic Creation Of His Unconscious Mind

Hey, Christer here

Check out this guided tour that David Wood gives us of his house in Escazu, Costa Rica. Make sure to follow my blog to get more videos from David.

Pretty nice, right?

So let us lock arms and join here if you want to live your dreams and visit David in Costa Rica!

Make this a perfect day!

- Christer


Failure #25 of the 30 major causes of failure in the book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is the inability to cooperate with others. This is what my friend Mike Hobbs had to say about it this morning:

“More people lose their positions and their big opportunities in life because of this fault, than for all other reasons combined. It is a fault which no well informed business executive or leader will tolerate.”  — Napoleon Hill
Be careful with this.  You want to cooperate with other people, especially in a home based business.  If you try to do everything on your own and you think you are right on everything, it is going to hold you back.
Make it a perfect Friday!
- Christer  

torsdag 21. november 2013

How to use Facebook to your benefit


Last night's recording on how you can take your spare time
on Facebook and turn it into thousands of dollars per month
added to your bottom line is now up:

>>> Prosperity Team Hangout <<<

Make it a perfect Thursday!

- Christer 

søndag 17. november 2013

“The Secret Ingredient” Training at 8 EST!

You are cordially invited to “The Women’s Lounge” this Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 8:00PM EST.
The Weekly Women’s Lounge discussing wholeness in success, motivation, wealth, health and happiness.
This week’s topic:
We should always strive to be at our best. Always setting new goals, always trying to evolve into a better version of ourselves.
Do you sometimes feel like you’re missing the key to accomplishing your goals?
In this weeks hangout the ladies will talk about the secret ingredient to long term success in your life and in your business.
So grab a comfy seat, a warm drink and come chill with us!
To attend simply click the link below at 8:00PM EST on November 17, 2013.
See you there,

lørdag 9. november 2013

Be a 10 in life!

How to be a TEN in life:

Workout, beautify your spirit via meditation, be happy inside, eat right, work hard, play hard, be good to others, dress good, smell delicious, have a purpose, have goals, work to better self, and love and honor every one around you. Notice how the world will give you EVERYTHING you want, and how MAGNETIC you become to people around you.

Make it a perfect day!

- Christer B Herou >>>

How to be a 10 in life

This Works....

The sad truth is, not all online opportunities are created equal.
Wanna see what's working?
Wishing you great success, 

søndag 3. november 2013

Live Hangout WL: “Success Recharge” Be there at 8 pm EST!


You are cordially invited to “The Women’s Lounge”
this Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 8:00PM EST

The Weekly Women’s Lounge discussing
wholeness in success, wealth, health and happiness.

This week’s topic: “Success Recharge”

There are times in our lives when we all need to
take a break to revisit our purpose and get back
to why we started on this journey. 

In this week’s hangout, the ladies will talk about
how to get recharge your mind and accelerate
your success faster and easier than ever before.

So grab a comfy seat, a warm drink and
come chill with us!

To attend simply click the link below at
8:00PM EST on November 3, 2013.

See you there!