Sometimes, you have to just do whatever it takes to live your dreams, like Dakota did…..
Obviously, Dakota is a pure badass, and does not have even the littlest bit of wussy in him. Which is why he gets massive results and is living his dreams (at 19 years old). Just because Dakota did what it takes to make it happen, doesn’t mean everyone will. See our average earnings.
Dakota – you’re welcome

Or another set of useless “products”.
Or another “revolutionary comp plan”.
We have the best products and we help our people get the most money because that’s something we’ve always done, and will always do.
What’s different about us, is the fact that…..
Empower Network is a MOVEMENT.
Just wait until what you see what happens in Austin. If you don’t have your tickets yet, they’re almost gone.
So join here and then log in here.
The event in Austin is going to change the game for those of you who are there. There’s a couple of quick things I want you to do, to make sure you get the most out of the event…
1. Show up early, and make sure you’re at the entire event, from start to finish. Friday night is important because it sets the mental frame for the entire weekend. If you don’t see it, you won’t have your mind focused on the right information. And trust me, that’s as important as anything. Plus, Friday is going to be HOT
2. Go log in to your back office right now and go to your ‘My Business’ tab, and then “My Programs’ tab. Then go to the ‘Event Tickets’ section and click the link that says ‘Click here for event information.‘ There, you’ll find the entire event schedule, and everything you need to know about the event.
3. Bring a phone that get’s text messages (important), and a device that takes pictures – as well as something to capture videos. Plan on getting enough marketing material to last you for the next few months. (FYI – we’ll also being capturing videos and pictures that we’ll let you use you use over the next few months in your marketing as well). However, you want to get pictures and videos with you in them, at the event, hanging out with us and the leaders …. living it up.
4. Plan on being there for every second. Glued to your seat. We’ll also have note pads for you to be taking notes. IF you’re serious, and you want to make 2013 YOUR year – you want to soak up every single word shared from that stage. It’s THAT important. We have a BadAss event mapped out, with ONE intention – help you get what you need to crush 2013 and reach your goals, and live your dreams.
Now back to this badass 19 y/o kid who’s living his dreams because he made a decision to get his butt to our last event…..
See, it’s because of people like Dakota who make Empower Network GREAT – because they’re willing to be BOLD – they’re willing to be FEARLESS – and they’re willing to fight for their DREAMS.
So meet us our events. Get your butt to Austin. And don’t you ever give up. Ever.
Dakota didn’t. And because he didn’t, he went from showering with the homeless on the beach…..
….to living his dream on the beaches of the world
Let’s DO this.
Christer B Herou

P.S. Set up your blog by clicking here. And then log in and get your ticket to Austin, TX to ‘Release your Inner BadAss’ just like Dakota did
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