tirsdag 1. oktober 2013

(personal) The Most Profitable 'Inside Information' Ever. (Part 1)

I want you to imagine buying Apple stock when it was only $5/share ...
... or joining Amway the year it was founded in 1959 by JayVan Andel and Richard DeVos.
Today, you'd probably have a world wide team doing millions of dollars in sales volume each month.
Heck, last year the big "A" was the first direct sales company to do a BILLION dollars in sales in ONE MONTH!
Or, what if you had 'inside information' about the dot com bubble in 1998 .... and positioned yourself in front of it ... and had access to all the information you needed to be on the 'inside' of the massive wealth transfer that has taken place over the last 25 years?
Today, there's a really good chance you'd be ...
A MULTI-Millioniare ...
 ... just like so many others who were in the right place at the right time.
Well, I have a little 'inside' secret I'd like to share with you that I"m confident will translate into a massive windfall of profits for you very quickly ...... and over the next few years.
I'm going to be writing a blog tomorrow at 12:30pm EST with the rest of the story, and exactly why this 'prediction' just may be the most shocking (and profitable) news you hear ... 
... ever!
See you here tomorrow!
Christer B Herou

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