lørdag 24. november 2012

Think and Act Outside of the Box!

Think and Act Outside of the Box - The Results of a Limited Mindset

You want to make money marketing something you don’t even really believe enough in to own yourself?
So you end up marketing just the $25 platform, which is not really what people want.
People want to make the big money, and to believe that it’s true. And they want a leader who can help guide them, who has that type of belief themselves. Someone who is committed to the business, who is leading by example, who isn’t going to be quick to disappear next week.
Think and Act Outside of the Box
When you are not all-in, these are the types of subconscious messages that you are sending while you are doing your marketing. And people can read into it, even when you don’t think they can. And if you are not experiencing the results you deserve, you really need to take a deep look at this.
This is business psychology 101.  I’m sure I’m not sharing anything new with you. But at the same time, we are quick to forget these things.
The solution is to figure out a way that you can get more committed and Take Massive Action to get the results you deserve.  If you are not All-In, you are simply dipping your toes in the water, feeling it out, and not seeing big results.
Lack of results stems comes from lack of commitment.
If you were to jump in.  Take the plunge.  And put yourself in a position where you MUST succeed, and are willing to do Whatever It Takes, that’s when you will begin to experience the true power of this business.  Of this industry. Of the success that can be had here.

Think and Act Outside of the Box - Success Leaves Clues

Successful affiliates in this business get all-in, and then take the resources available to them to get back their investment and create a huge income. They have a strong conviction and belief for the company and the products, and they don’t feel hypocritical in any way, because they are practicing what they preach.
The ones that struggle always give the same line.  That they will go all-in as soon as they see some results or make some money first. In the past 6 months I have heard this line 40-50 times from different people. It’s almost as if they all talked to each other or something, because the line is exactly the same! Seriously.
So let’s look at where this statement really comes from…

It comes from a lack of belief. Period.

If you believed you were going to be massively successful, and that tons of people were going to join your business, and that you would absolutely want to be positioned to make the most amount of money possible as a result, then without hesitation you would go All-In as fast as possible.
And that type of abundant thinking is actually quite necessary to be successful as well. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. When your belief and conviction is strong about this, then you don’t hesitate to take the actions to create the results, thus proving your belief right.
But when you DON’T believe this, then you are always looking for reasons to justify the lack of belief, and are by default expressing doubt in yourself, doubt in the system, doubt in the business, and doubt in the team.
And this belief can crush your success. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as well.
Especially if your mind asks itself this “success-killing” statement“…
“What if it doesn’t end up working out for me”
You see, when someone allows their mind to ask that question, then they are allowing the belief to enter their mind that they might not be successful. This belief can quickly turn into “I probably won’t be successful”, which in turn leads into “I won’t be successful”.
In which case you would want to “make sure” that you limited your losses. So starting at $25 and “waiting for results first”, would justify your belief that it probably won’t work out, so you won’t really be taking much risk, and will be okay if things don’t work out.
And the statistics show that you won’t end up getting enough results to prove to yourself that you should upgrade.
And guess what?

It will have nothing to do with Empower Network.

Or the viral blogging system. Or whether or not people join you. Or any of the other things you think it will have to do with.
Instead, it will completely have to do with the lack of results that show up from the lack of belief. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps many people broke. In the same situation. Day in and day out. And they justify it by comparing themselves to the successful people and saying that of course those people are successful, because they already had a list, or blogging experience, or were successful before, or they had more money, or they didn’t have your crazy problems, and so on.
When really, everyone started right where you are. Everybody started at some point with no listNo blogging experienceNo previous business experienceNo support or mentorsNo tools and resources.
And in many cases, these people started with MUCH less than you have right now!
In fact, you have SO MUCH MORE than almost anyone had when they started in Empower Network, and yet still the excuses are there.
So what is the remedy?
What is the solution?

Think and Act Outside of the Box! - TAKE MASSIVE ACTION & GO ALL-IN!

Massive Action is the fundamental key to success. GO ALL-IN. Prove to yourself that you are not a wussy this time. Prove to yourself that you believe enough in YOU that you are going to finally do something about it! That you are sick and tired of “testing the water” in opportunity after opportunity, and it’s time to DIVE IN!
“You can make excuses, or you can make money, but you can’t do both at the same time…”
Empower Network

To Your Success!

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