fredag 5. oktober 2012

Do You Fear Talking To People?

You know, I was watching a program about a woman who lost her ability to walk due to a car accident. After 10 years, she was given to test drive a robotic leg. This woman even with her challenge, did what most people with all their ability will ever do in a life time.

So, here's 5 Methods you can use right now to attract new ideal potential customers by using what you "already" have:

1. You have legs.
If you get up from the computer. Walk outside, you'll see people walking. Before you do go out, get some details of where all these free networking businesses meet ups are. 

Then throw a dart at one of them.

If you got health products - join a gym and get fit. Be the product. 
If your product is website development systems - join a network about website marketing websites.
If your product is skin care - join a large established skin care network.

Now go and visit and be consistent. 

2. Hands.
This is very easy to do but unfortunately, many forgot to do this. 

When you arrive and you see people - you reach out your hand. Open your fingers wide open. 

3. Lips.
Then smile at the person and say, 'Hi! How you doing. My name is_____."

4. Ears.
Let the person introduce themselves. 

You don't have to think about something clever or think how you're going to lead to the product or business. You're job is to just get used to doing these steps and get to know people. Increase your confidence in Social Skills.

Just relax. 

Enjoy first getting the social skill and focus in getting the skill first. And if you are so in need of money badly....get a job. Business takes time and it needs a skill in sales, social skills, people skills and this takes time if you have been in a job or have been living a doorman life like the many zombies in this world who only cared about themselves - and how they can get some.

So, just relax.

5. Use Your Body.
Now, do not look anywhere else. Turn all your body, face towards this person. All eyes, ears on this person.

This is powerful listening technique. It shows you are taking interest in the person.

Block out everything and just smile, and ask questions about this person. Make them the centre of attention. I don't mean be suck up but to be a human being.

Be interested in this person.

6. Repeat this over and over again. 
What you will find is your confidence will increase. 

You will learn a lot about people and what makes people tick. 

You will learn so much more about the person's needs, challenges, dislikes, likes and what motivates this person or that person to buy. And why they don't buy from certain people and places. You will learn of their hidden objections and hidden risks.

When you go to this same network meeting or activity, or friends house, or relatives.....they will LOVE to see you again. 

And they will miss you when you leave.

So much so...they'll ask..

"So, what do you do then?"

Now, give them your business card which reveals the "problem" you solve and start building your sales funnel. Leading right back to your website. 

Let your marketing do the talking for you.

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