Law of Attraction – sending out the vibe
We are all made up of energy, and, as you know energy can never be destroyed, only changed. Our thoughts are also energy. Some experts in the law of attraction liken your thoughts to the way electrons behave around the nucleus of an atom. All matter is made of atoms, so all matter also contains electrons. Every atom has a certain number of electrons, which rotate around the nucleus of the atom. Long story short: the electrons can vibrate at higher level if more energy (heat) is added to the atom. With enough energy, the atoms will line up and the electrons will produce a “pulling” effect – moving the atoms.
Law of Attraction – the theory
The theory goes that because we are all made of atoms, high energy (positive energy that is) can produce similar results, where our thoughts transmit energy outside of ourselves. And where does it go? Out to the universe, which is chock-full of energy, and it sends back the same sort of energy we sent out in the first place. This is why attitudes and events tends to be reinforces – they come right back to us. If you believe something bad is going to happen at work tomorrow, for example, it probably will. On the other hand if you expect to have a great day in the office, you probably won’t be disappointed.Expect a check in your mail and see yourself in the way to want to live your life. And dwell upon the end result!
The Law of Attraction says: Like attracts Like.
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