The problem is, it’s EASIER not to do something than it is to do it.
And I think it’s crucial to RESIST mediocrity.
Unless you were somehow sheltered from the rest of the world and grew up in some very upbeat environment where you were pushed to achieve excellence… I think you’d agree that most people just want to coast.
It’s easier to be negative than to be positive.
It’s easier to coast than to go for it.
It’s easier to follow than to lead.
It’s easier to lack discipline than to force yourself to do what you know you need to do.
It’s easier to seek comfort, security, and conform to the so-called status quo.
But all the goodies go to those who “pay the price”, the price of staying disciplined, risking failure, challenging themselves and taking full responsibility for their actions.
I know that you probably know that.
Question is…
How do you wake up every morning with excitement to jump in the battle and slay the dragons?
You do know it’s a battle, right?
Some people like to sugarcoat things, but I like to say it like it is.
You’re not just in a battle, but in a WAR.
A war against mediocrity and financial slavery.
A war against being chained to a desk for decades and retiring on less than half of what you couldn’t afford live on in the first place.
I used to have some people on my team who told that I need to motivate them more often. It gets them pumped up.
What I’ve come to realize is…
… if you need for someone to motivate you… you will NEVER make it in business… ANY business.
Motivation is 100% internal.
Sure you can get some temporary inspiration from others, and it does help, but long term motivation comes from within.
And what drives that motivation are your GOALS.
One of my mentors used to say… “show me your schedule and I’ll tell you what your goals are.”
When you have big goals, that are deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind, they DRIVE YOU to do more… to do the “impossible.”
Ever hear of a mother lifting a car to save her child?
Where does that kind of strength come from?
We are all capable to do so much more than we “THINK” we can.
Every time I catch myself “coasting” (we all do that), I have to remind myself that I can’t afford to coast.
I have better, bigger things I want to do.
When you have goals that light you up and get you excited just thinking about them… that’s the magic recipe for staying motivated, excited and doing whatever you need to do to move yourself forward.
I think it’s also one of the reasons it’s hard for people like us to hang around others who don’t think that way.
You are truly a product of your environment.
Look around your friends and people who you spend most of your time with.
Their enthusiasm for success OR lack of it will rub off on you.
But Vitaly, you don’t mean I have to change friends do you?
Yes I do.
If you are driven and motivated, but most of your friends live for the weekend… I GUARANTEE you eventually one of two things will happen…
Either these friends will start disappearing out of your life… OR you’re going to lower your goals, dreams, and desires and rationalize “why it’s ok” not go for it.
It took me a long time to really come to terms with this, but it’s the truth.
What about family?
Well, family will always be there, but that doesn’t mean you need to spend all your time with them. If they’re not on the same page as you are, then you limit your exposure so their negative influence doesn’t affect you.
Of course I’m talking about relatives, and NOT your immediate family.
I think your spouse if you’re married needs to be on the same page, and it’s up to you to sell them on it.
Have both personal and family goals and include them in it.
If you have children, have them help you achieve your goals by setting rewards for the whole family when you hit a milestone.
Like going on a special vacation or something like that.
It’s amazing how your kids will start supporting you and taking a huge interest in what you do and it’ll give you a lot of energy to do what you need to do.
Having big goals is what drives us.
I’ve always believed that unless you have big goals of your own, you’ll be working for someone who has.
Here’s a little habit you can develop that can produce HUGE results.
Every day, for the next 30 days, write down your biggest goals before you go to bed and think about them, see yourself in possession of the things you want, feel how it would be to actually accomplish them.
Even if it’s only for a minute, but do this every night.
It’ll program your subconscious mind with that goal.
And our mind is a goal-seeking device.
It looks for ANYTHING to latch unto. It needs a goal to work on.
Do that, and you’ll start jumping out of bed in the morning, with a huge boost in energy and enthusiasm to do the things you need to do.
And do it for 30 days, so it becomes a habit. It’s easy.
But remember, it’s a lot easier not to do it, and rationalize that you’ll start tomorrow.
Only tomorrow never comes, because it’s always… “tomorrow”.
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