onsdag 30. oktober 2013

How To Give Value Like A Pro Even If You Don't Have Experience


In the spirit of adding value we're having a hangout tonight and the subject is ...

"How To Give Value Like A Pro Even If You Don't Have Experience" 

>>> CLICK HERE <<<

8:00pm EST Tonight (Wednesday)

See you there!

- Christer B Herou

mandag 28. oktober 2013

Last day of the Blog Beast Launch!

Today, (Monday) is the last day of the 'Blog Beast' launch.
A handful of thoughts and plans here:
FIRST, make sure you login in your back-office, and grab your copy of ‘Blog Beast Academy’.
That product is $297 right now, and tomorrow --- will NOT be $297. We might increase the price of that product to somewhere around $2,997 --- or remove the bonus trainings in there. 
Click the ‘Activate Now’ button by ‘Blog Beast Academy’ --- it's a simple process, and you can do it now.
SECOND, tomorrow night at 9pm EST, rather than a normal ‘Empower Hour’ call we are doing a hangout, here:
This will be an awesome hangout that you don't want to miss!

Make it a perfect Monday! 
- Christer B Herou

fredag 18. oktober 2013

FINALLY - The Wait Is Over!!

The Blog Beast is LIVE! 

You won't believe how the story ends! And you won't believe what we're giving away for FREE!


BONUS: Get started at http://join.workwithherou.com/ and I'll give you my entire marketing machine free. All my pre-written follow-up letters, video sales pages, private training site, daily masterminds, and more. 

Let's DO this!

- Christer B Herou

Just a few HOURS away!

We are just a few a hours away from the biggest launch in the history!
Are you still on the sideline?!
Here is a last chance to get updated a to watch the videos before the launch in a couple of hours:
Make it a magnificent day!

- Christer B Herou

torsdag 17. oktober 2013

Video #3 of the Blog Beast!

A glimpse into how YOU to can profit and prosper
with the Blog Beast in just a few days when we make
this ground breaking, game-changing platform available
for you to use!

There's one word for Video #3 of the "Blog Beast
Redemption" movie -- "EPIC"

Watch it here by leaving your mail:  http://blog.workwithherou.com/

Have a wonderful day!

onsdag 16. oktober 2013

Mentioned in the press!


Just have a look what Yahoo Finance had to say about Empower Network:


As you can see, Empowernetwork.com is ranked in the top 100 sites in the US and is currently ranked as #221 in the whole world!!!

Imagine what will happen now when the new platform is launched. Empower Network will soon be ranked among the top 100 sites in the world! Do you realize what that means when it comes to the chance of your blog/website/content/business etc being seen be others?!

The new Empower Network blogging platform is a revolutionary way of getting your message out and I suggest you get on my list so that you can be a part of this internet movement:


If you are already on my list you can register as an affiliate and position yourself for the official launch:

Make it a great day!

- Christer B Herou

søndag 6. oktober 2013

Why Are You Here?

You are cordially invited to “The Women’s Lounge”
this Sunday, October 6th, 2013 at 8:00PM EST
>>>Why Are You Here?<<<
The Weekly Women’s Lounge discussing
wholeness in wealth, health and happiness.

This week’s topic:
Knowing WHY you’re doing something can be the
difference between living a happy and fulfilled life
or living with regret and eventually burning out.

In this week’s hangout, the ladies will talk about
how to get clear on YOUR purpose. Everyone
is born with unique and valuable gifts to share
with the world, and once we figure out what they
are and decide to live our lives putting them to
use, that’s when the real party begins!

So grab a comfy seat, a warm drink and
come chill with us!

To attend simply click the link below at
8:00PM EST on October 6th, 2013.

See you there,

- Christer B Herou
Christer B Herou

onsdag 2. oktober 2013

This Will Be Big!

Something VERY BIG is coming.

In just a few weeks, the "Blog Beast" will be unleashed, and when it does... blogging and marketing will never be the same again. 
With over a year of development, dozens of some of the smartest people working around the clock, and millions of dollars invested - the "Blog Beast" is expected to take the Internet by storm.
Blog beast is coming

Right now, you're in the right place at the right time. Get ready - spread the word - and prepare for a tidal wave to hit.
If you're an affiliate of Empower Network you have the opportunity to take part in what will be the largest product launch of it's kind in history, and if you're current customer, prepare for a blogging experience unlike anything else that exists.
It's time to turn your Beast Mode: ON
See you on the beaches of the world!
Empower Network

Because I know you HATE waiting (Part 2)

Hi ... 
Yesterday in "Part 1" I wrote this report so below you'll find the conclusion.
 "The Most Profitable Inside Information EVER!"
 I want you to imagine buying Apple stock when it was only $5/share .... or joining Amway the year it was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos.
Today, you'd probably have a world wide team doing millions of dollars in sales volume each month. Heck, last year the big "A" was the first direct sales company to do a BILLION dollars in sales in ONE MONTH!
Or, what if you had 'inside information' about the dot com bubble in 1998... and positioned yourself in front of it and had access to all the information you needed to be on the 'inside' of the massive wealth transfer that has taken place over the last 25 years?
Today, there's a really good chance you'd be ...A MULTI-Millioniare ...just like so many others who were in the right place at the right time.
Well I have a little 'inside' secret I'd like to share with you that I'm confident will translate into a massive windfall of profits foryou very quickly and over the next few years.
There's another 'wealth transfer' coming (actually it's already here)and the good new is ... YOU could be on the inside this time.
YOU could be first. YOU could be in front of the wave.
You could have the opportunity to build a team worldwide ... where in 50 years...you'll still be collecting checks from a decision you made right now.
And best of all this will change everything about the way you build your business.
In less than 30 days people will be marketing different. Free from the chains of their computers and attracting followers, influencing prospects and generating customers ...
===> From their phone!
Something big is coming that's so powerful and game changing that customers across the world will be banging down your dot com door to buy it from YOU.
We're going to show you the "who, what, where and why" and How You Can Profit From It!
However it might not be what you think. Here's a clue. The "dot com" lifestyle is old. (YES you read that right)
Welcome to the "Mobile" Boom.
Because building a business from your phone is sexier, faster, easier and now ..."GRANDMA PROOF" :-)
This will all be at your fingertips in just weeks.
(For now, we'll just call it the Blog Beast!
And even though it will be here before you can blink we wanted to let you "peek" behind the curtain because we know you hate waiting. And because there's some very exciting (and profitable) advantages to being "first."
Clear your schedule tonight and
>>>Watch This<<<. 
This will BLOW YOU AWAY.
Make this your best day ever!
Christer B Herou



tirsdag 1. oktober 2013

(personal) The Most Profitable 'Inside Information' Ever. (Part 1)

I want you to imagine buying Apple stock when it was only $5/share ...
... or joining Amway the year it was founded in 1959 by JayVan Andel and Richard DeVos.
Today, you'd probably have a world wide team doing millions of dollars in sales volume each month.
Heck, last year the big "A" was the first direct sales company to do a BILLION dollars in sales in ONE MONTH!
Or, what if you had 'inside information' about the dot com bubble in 1998 .... and positioned yourself in front of it ... and had access to all the information you needed to be on the 'inside' of the massive wealth transfer that has taken place over the last 25 years?
Today, there's a really good chance you'd be ...
A MULTI-Millioniare ...
 ... just like so many others who were in the right place at the right time.
Well, I have a little 'inside' secret I'd like to share with you that I"m confident will translate into a massive windfall of profits for you very quickly ...... and over the next few years.
I'm going to be writing a blog tomorrow at 12:30pm EST with the rest of the story, and exactly why this 'prediction' just may be the most shocking (and profitable) news you hear ... 
... ever!
See you here tomorrow!
Christer B Herou

Yesterdays Hangout!

If you did not get the chance to watch it live yesterday, here is the replay
Prepare for some game-changing information, and a life-changing opportunity.
The recording started a bit early so it takes 6-7 minutes in to the Hangout before it actually starts 

See you on the beaches of the world!

Christer B Herou