fredag 30. november 2012

iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S III

iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S III

The iPhone 5 and Galaxy S 3 are very different phones. The former has a smaller screen, thinner design, and an operating system that is very much a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of experience. The Galaxy S 3 has a huge display and a much larger form factor that is more conducive to gaming and video watching, but perhaps a bit difficult to use with just one-hand. In this video, we compare the merits of both the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S 3!

To Your Success!

Christer B Herou

Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Brazil

This is a almost too scary to be a joke!

The poor people are scared almost to death trapped in an elevator. The girl is doing a good job :-)

To Your Success!

Christer B Herou

torsdag 29. november 2012

MLM – Hur ska du bli framgångsrik med ditt MLM?

MLM – Hur ska du bli framgångsrik med din MLM?

Tror Du att det handlar om att ha den bästa produkten för att du och ditt MLM företag skall få framgång?

Då får du tänka en gång till..

För en kort tid sedan såg jag ett blogginlägg från en MLM kollega som stolt basunerade ut att det nya Företaget hade "vetenskapligt testade produkter" och nu bjöds det in till samling med speciellt inbjudna, alla med medicinsk bakgrund - minsann!
Detta ville ha varit perfekt om det var en produkt som skulle marknadsföras inom direkthandel eller via vanliga inköpskanaler. Inte för MLM.

Att en produkt är "vetenskapligt testad" säger egentligen ingenting. Jag har varit med om produkter som har lanserats på detta sätt - och när man sedan kollar dessa "vetenskapliga studier" kan de till och med visa att produkten var ineffektiv! Men, den är vetenskapligt testad iallafall :-)
MLM – Hur ska du bli framgångsrik med din MLM?
Om produkterna tillhör kosttillskottssegmentet är det otroligt sällan de genomgår kliniska studier - då detta är kostsamt, och inte alls nödvändigt  för ett kosttillskott. Man gör oftast tester där en grupp av personer får använda produkterna en period för att se att de ger det önskade resultatet.

Men - tillbaka till titeln, är det Produkten som kommer att vara avgörande för din framgång med MLM? Om den marknadsförs som ovan, kommer du säkert att kunna attrahera en grupp av medicinskt utbildade - inte så många fler. Och då är man långt ifrån formulan för framgång: "Att få en STOR grupp av personer som gör några få, enkla saker över en längre tidsperiod"

Produkten är viktig, den behöver vara unik, konsumerbar och ge goda resultat men det är inte den avgörande punkten.

Det du vill ha är ett Team med en Support som utbildar dig och dina kommande medlemmar.

Att hitta ett ERFARET Team som kan MLM och vet hur man bygger en stor organisation vill vara den absolut viktigaste faktorn för din framgång med MLM. Ja, företaget måste vara ordentligt kapitaliserat, ha ett ledarskap som kan MLM, ha en marknadsplan som är modern och attraktiv och ha klarat av sina 3-5 första år så det har bevisat sitt existensberättigande.

Du behöver ochså ha dina VARFÖR på plats och vara beredd på att arbeta hårdt de nästa 4-5 åren, som beskrivits i mina tidigare Blogginlägg.

Det du bör leta efter är alltså inte den mest "vetenskapligt testade" produkten - utan ett erfaret Team med ett beprövat SUPPORTSYSTEM!

För din MLM Framgång!


How To Write Your First Blog Post

How To Write Your First Blog Post

So how do you write your first blog post at Empower Network?
Watch this video and just do it!

Okay, everybody, now time for some bonus training. We’re going to talk about how to add Google analytics to your blog. In order to do that, you need to go to and you’re going to be able to set up an account for free.

Now, when you get there, it’s Google analytics, as soon as you’ve logged in with your account, you’re going to click on admin, or if you’re a brand new account, it should default you, but if you’ve already got a Google analytics account, you click on admin and then you click on new account and it’s going to bring you to this screen here.

Now you can name your account whatever you want, I think an easy way to go is just to name it Empower Network. You’re going to put in the URL right there and now right here it’s going to be your user name is. Okay? Just like that, You could choose whatever your setting are, you could choose any, you know, any industry that you want for your stuff, all this doesn’t matter. You can choose to share your settings or not share them, if you want. And make sure to go through and read the agreement yourself, you always want to read stuff. Create an account, and it’s creating.

Now, what it’s done is it’s created this tracking code. Now, don’t worry, this all looks complex, but look at how simple this is. Paste this code on your site. Okay? So all you do is scroll down and copy all that. Highlight it, copy it. That’s it. I just highlighted it and copied it. Now when you go back to your Empower Network blog, you go down here to settings, all the way down to the bottom you’ve got Google analytics. Okay? And you **** this and that. And look, actually don’t even need it, this new setting in here just asks for your site tracking code. It’s actually going to be a heck of a lot easier than even copying that. Your site tracking code is just right here. Just copy that little thing. Simple. And just like that, we’re going to go back and we’re going to paste it. Paste. See how simple that was? And then save changes. There you go. You basically have Google analytics set up now, you’re going to be able to start to see analytics. When you log in, you’re going to be able to have, you’re going to have an account called Empower Network, and you’re going to be able to log in, you’re going to be able to start seeing your traffic, you’re going to start to see what keywords they come in off of, what pages are the most popular, and everything that you could want.
So that’s exactly how to set it up. As you could see, it only took a minute, it’s absolutely free, and it’s just extremely simple.

So there you go, that’s how you write your first blog post and how to set up Google analytics on your blog.

And here is your chance to join the 15K Pro Team!
Empower Network

To Your Success!
Christer B Herou

onsdag 28. november 2012

What Is Target Marketing And Why Is It So Important?

What Is Target Marketing And Why Is It So Important?

If you saw this post and asked yourself what is target marketing? This may be one of the most valuable posts you will ever read for your network marketing business. Defining a target market can seriously help you hone your business marketing to actually start being effective.

Why Network Marketers Struggle with Defining a Target Market

Do you know why it is natural for a network marketer to struggle with a target market? Because they can sign up anyone and everyone, THAT, is what has caused so many would-be success stories from every happening.
What Is Target MarketingOK, so, what is target marketing? It is where you first identify who exactly you would PREFER to get into your network marketing business and then creating content and value to attract them. It also means knowing them inside and out, what they struggle with, what they think about, where they attend events, etc. Put it like this, If you had a magic wand, and you could whip you your PERFECT prospect, what would they look like?

- What kind of work experience would they have?
- How old would they be?
- Why would they be interested in what you have to offer?
- What problems does your product or service help them with?
- What do they desire or hope to achieve in life?
- What do you have experience in that you can converse about that would have you building rapport with people? (more about this later)

Hardly anyone in Network Marketing really thinks about defining their target market

In most industries your PRODUCT dictates your PROSPECT. Here are some examples of target markets:
1. If you sell medical equipment, you are not going to approach the hot dog vendor, it just wouldn’t make sense, would it?
2. If you sell pet grooming services, you are only going to target pet owners right?
3. If you sell social media services, you are not going to target people without computers, is this making sense?
You see, a MARKETING problem with network marketing is we can sell or sign up anyone and everyone and that is what most network marketers hope for…anyone. And that is exactly why their marketing attracts…No one.

Back to the Magic Wand and What is Target Marketing

If you are defining a target market for your MLM, just think about what type of person would you actually LIKE to work with? Some of you might still be working on your first signup and may incorrectly answer, ANYONE RAY! No, no, no, you are NOT just a hoper and dreamer, you ARE a business person and business people DO get to choose who they work with, so, how bout you?
What Is Target MarketingMe, I love working with men and women that already understand the model of network marketing, perhaps have some professional experience in their past and maybe have not had the level of success they really desire yet. If you notice in my blog, I don’t write to the person that is skeptical about our industry because that is NOT who I want to try to convince, I would much rather just take all the people that already love our industry and help them to succeed higher.

Some good examples of target markets for Network Marketing:
  1. Baby boomers who are concerned about retirement.
  2. Dads who have a daughter or daughters that are scared about paying for their weddings.
  3. Adults concerned on covering the costs of their elderly parents.
  4. Retirees who are bored.
  5. Retires who are wishing they had saved more money.
  6. Personal trainers that wanna expand their income.
  7. Stay at home Mom’s that want to amass assets and make a financial difference for their family.
  8. Musicians or actors that want to get paid to network while in between gigs.
Earlier I talked about who you have rapport with, understand that you are NOT limited to only marketing to people that you have experience with but if you identify a target market that you don’t fully know, you better be willing to immerse yourself in their world and learn it. What magazines do they read? What shows do they watch? What fundraisers do they go to? Etc.
Also, understand that this entire post is all about MARKETING, I would encourage you that if you are out and about to PROSPECT anyone you are willing to even if they do not fit your target market. If you are going to be there anyway, why not prospect but if you are going to market anyway, why not target.

Who is your ideal prospect? Your avatar? Your perfect target market?

To Your Success!
Christer B Herou


The popularity of blog marketing has grown but not so much from any aggressive efforts to consciously ‘promote’ business blogging. It is more the case that people in general are much more receptive to this type of approach because it is less invasive. The general public as a whole has grown increasingly weary of ‘in your face’ promotional tactics and the passive approach business blogs use is therefore more appealing. For anybody who expects to get paid to blog they are aware they must perform a service and earn the loyalty and trust of people first and foremost. From the point of view of any potential customer, this is a refreshing change and a win win situation for them.Here’s how it works!

 The 5 things a blogger must accomplish if they expect to get paid to blog:

 1.      Capture Attention
Business blogs, as mentioned previously operate on the idea of first ‘attracting’ people to their sites. This is done with the use of interesting or useful content. If the information posted is of good enough quality, people will return to view new updates.

2.      Build Interest
On their first few visits people are normally drawn in on moderate interest but a high level of curiosity. As new post appear, and continue to maintain a certain level of quality, readers become more engaged or interested in the site. This is when loyalty begins to develop.

Why blog marketing has become so popular  
3.      Increase Credibility
Now it is up to the business blogs to maintain a consistency of both content quality and posting frequency so visitors will know what to expect. When this is done the site and of course the owner begin to develop a credibility that increases with each new post. At the same time reader loyalty is also increasing and all this is transpiring without visitors being pressured to buy anything!

4.      Builds Relationship
The more people continue to visit, the more familiar and comfortable they become with the site. Comments are left, exchanges occur, and a relationship begins to take shape that only strengthens as time goes by.

5.      Creates Trust
As the relationship ‘bond’ strengthens so does the trust people have in the blog host. Here is when products or services are then ‘offered’ or ’suggested’ to visitors who are more inclined to heed the suggestions of the blogger because of the credibility and trust that now exists. All this once again transpires without the use of pressure allowing people to remain in a comfort zone where they do not feel any obligation to make a purchase. With this relationship established the site owner is now able to get paid to blog due to the decrease in resistance visitors have towards any promotional efforts.

Blog marketing is growing in popularity because it presents a refreshing change from more traditional and aggressive promotional techniques. Business blogs realize they must first win the trust and loyalty of visitors to their site. This approach is more appealing to people who have grown tired of pushy ‘in your face’ tactics. Another factor not to be overlooked is the growing acceptance of making purchases online. The 5 things a blogger must accomplish if they expect to get paid to blog that are reviewed above, clearly reflect that customer satisfaction is a priority. The blogging business will likely continue to grow in popularity due primarily to its customer friendly approach. Giving people what they want, and at a pace that is comfortable to them, has put the customer back in control, and they apparently have taken a liking to it!

So have a look how you can start you blog marketing!
Empower Network
To Your Success!
Christer B Herou

lørdag 24. november 2012

How To Share Your Empower Network Links Perfectly on Facebook

How To Share Your Empower Network Links Perfectly on Facebook to Double or Triple Your Click Through Rates!

Have you heard of the Social Media Bar?

With this exciting new tool you can fully control EXACTLY how your website links are shared on Facebook, by choosing the exact thumbnail, title, and description, in seconds…
How To Share Your Empower Network Links Perfectly on Facebook
Regardless of whether your site is optimized correctly, and even if your links have been blocked from Facebook. It doesn’t matter!
And the best part?  There is no cost!

Watch the Social Media Bar Overview Video.

Social Media Bar for Empower Network

Social Media Bar Alexa Rankings

This tools is growing so fast, that in just under 2 months, it’s already ranked in the top 5,000 sites in the United States according to Alexa!  And Top 50,000 Globally!
Social Media Bar Alexa Rating

Social Media Bar Success Stories

This tool is helping entrepreneurs to make more money in their business by sharing their links on Facebook in a way that they are more likely to get clicks, and more likely to go viral.
What if you could double the clicks you get on your links?
Check out this video testimonial below from one of my business partners George Bailey, who uses this tool to get leads daily for his business, with ease, and he shares exactly how!
George Bailey Team Take Massive Action Social Media Bar Testimonial

Are you tired of working for someone else?

Would you prefer to start your own business and make money online?

To Your Success!
Christer B Herou

Think and Act Outside of the Box!

Think and Act Outside of the Box - The Results of a Limited Mindset

You want to make money marketing something you don’t even really believe enough in to own yourself?
So you end up marketing just the $25 platform, which is not really what people want.
People want to make the big money, and to believe that it’s true. And they want a leader who can help guide them, who has that type of belief themselves. Someone who is committed to the business, who is leading by example, who isn’t going to be quick to disappear next week.
Think and Act Outside of the Box
When you are not all-in, these are the types of subconscious messages that you are sending while you are doing your marketing. And people can read into it, even when you don’t think they can. And if you are not experiencing the results you deserve, you really need to take a deep look at this.
This is business psychology 101.  I’m sure I’m not sharing anything new with you. But at the same time, we are quick to forget these things.
The solution is to figure out a way that you can get more committed and Take Massive Action to get the results you deserve.  If you are not All-In, you are simply dipping your toes in the water, feeling it out, and not seeing big results.
Lack of results stems comes from lack of commitment.
If you were to jump in.  Take the plunge.  And put yourself in a position where you MUST succeed, and are willing to do Whatever It Takes, that’s when you will begin to experience the true power of this business.  Of this industry. Of the success that can be had here.

Think and Act Outside of the Box - Success Leaves Clues

Successful affiliates in this business get all-in, and then take the resources available to them to get back their investment and create a huge income. They have a strong conviction and belief for the company and the products, and they don’t feel hypocritical in any way, because they are practicing what they preach.
The ones that struggle always give the same line.  That they will go all-in as soon as they see some results or make some money first. In the past 6 months I have heard this line 40-50 times from different people. It’s almost as if they all talked to each other or something, because the line is exactly the same! Seriously.
So let’s look at where this statement really comes from…

It comes from a lack of belief. Period.

If you believed you were going to be massively successful, and that tons of people were going to join your business, and that you would absolutely want to be positioned to make the most amount of money possible as a result, then without hesitation you would go All-In as fast as possible.
And that type of abundant thinking is actually quite necessary to be successful as well. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. When your belief and conviction is strong about this, then you don’t hesitate to take the actions to create the results, thus proving your belief right.
But when you DON’T believe this, then you are always looking for reasons to justify the lack of belief, and are by default expressing doubt in yourself, doubt in the system, doubt in the business, and doubt in the team.
And this belief can crush your success. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as well.
Especially if your mind asks itself this “success-killing” statement“…
“What if it doesn’t end up working out for me”
You see, when someone allows their mind to ask that question, then they are allowing the belief to enter their mind that they might not be successful. This belief can quickly turn into “I probably won’t be successful”, which in turn leads into “I won’t be successful”.
In which case you would want to “make sure” that you limited your losses. So starting at $25 and “waiting for results first”, would justify your belief that it probably won’t work out, so you won’t really be taking much risk, and will be okay if things don’t work out.
And the statistics show that you won’t end up getting enough results to prove to yourself that you should upgrade.
And guess what?

It will have nothing to do with Empower Network.

Or the viral blogging system. Or whether or not people join you. Or any of the other things you think it will have to do with.
Instead, it will completely have to do with the lack of results that show up from the lack of belief. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps many people broke. In the same situation. Day in and day out. And they justify it by comparing themselves to the successful people and saying that of course those people are successful, because they already had a list, or blogging experience, or were successful before, or they had more money, or they didn’t have your crazy problems, and so on.
When really, everyone started right where you are. Everybody started at some point with no listNo blogging experienceNo previous business experienceNo support or mentorsNo tools and resources.
And in many cases, these people started with MUCH less than you have right now!
In fact, you have SO MUCH MORE than almost anyone had when they started in Empower Network, and yet still the excuses are there.
So what is the remedy?
What is the solution?

Think and Act Outside of the Box! - TAKE MASSIVE ACTION & GO ALL-IN!

Massive Action is the fundamental key to success. GO ALL-IN. Prove to yourself that you are not a wussy this time. Prove to yourself that you believe enough in YOU that you are going to finally do something about it! That you are sick and tired of “testing the water” in opportunity after opportunity, and it’s time to DIVE IN!
“You can make excuses, or you can make money, but you can’t do both at the same time…”
Empower Network

To Your Success!

fredag 23. november 2012

How to Create Magic and Live an Enhanced Life

I remember a time, I was on the phone…
…and one of my mentors said something to me that was profound.
Remembering back, and thinking of a time in the past – in one moment, everything shifted for me.  Today, I’m going to show you how you can create magic, become powerful, and live an enchanted life… all your life, whenever you want – maybe you can even do that now:

To Your Success!

Christer B Herou

torsdag 22. november 2012

How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Do you really want to learn how to increase traffic to your blog?
It’s really easier than you think!
Many people focus on forms of SEO, that stands for Search Engine Optimization, if you are not familiar with the term….
Primarily most people focus on Keyword SEO.
How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog 
What’s a Keyword?
word or word phrase that someone types into a search engine.
It’s what they are looking to find more information about from their search.
Keyword SEO is what most people focus on to create organic traffic….though
I’ve been told “Social Syndication”

…I’ll save that for later (definitely something to pay attention to)
As a matter of fact David Wood swears by it, Social Syndication,
being the FASTEST way to get traffic to your website.

For now I will show you some very simple SEO keyword tactics you can use to
help your posts rank in the search engines.

This does work!

This is How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog.
It may not be instant….but long term organic traffic (free traffic) is some of the Best traffic MONEY can buy….it’s FREE!
So after you have decided the general content you are going to blog about.
Now comes your keyword research to help optimize your blog post to help it rank in the search engines.

1. Use Google Search and find:
Google external keyword tool

2. Then Search a word or phrase related to your content, also select “Phrase”
Any term that has 10,000 or less in searches per month you could rank for easier than something with more searches per month.
This could be any keyword phrase like “how to increase traffic to your blog
if it is less than 10,000 it is easier to rank for.

Then you do something tricky…..

3. You find out how many indexed titles there are? Do this by adding – intitle”(your phrase in quotes)” ( intitle:”how to increase traffic to your blog“)
*we want something that has 30,000 or less that are indexed titles

4. A step further:
You want to find out how many sites have your keyword phrase in the url name.
Do this by searching the phrase like this: in url: how to increase traffic to your blog” (over 100,000 not good) “we want less than 50% of the intitle amount

Alright now that you have done your Keyword Research it’s time to do your SEO for your blog post.
This is where the rubber meets the road.Put your keyword in your blog post title (make it look natural)
key word: how to increase traffic to your blog
title: how to increase traffic to your blog everyday

The following is critical to your optimizing of the post:
Put your keyword naturally in the
First paragraph
Last paragraph of your post…..

Finally add Tags.
What do tags mean? Tags are your keywords
After you have implemented all of the above you can stop there and you will already be ahead of many online marketers in relation to their SEO.

Bonus SEO
Image Tags:
always have an image in your blog
You need an image url
Image Title: Use your keyword “how to increase traffic to your blog

More Bonus SEO
What you can do now to make it rank even better?
Build some links to your post:
1. Youtube – put the content of the blog post in the details in the video
2. Facebook
3. Hubpages
4. Ezinearticles – make the article a tiny bit different with a link back to your blog post
5. Forum, blogging forums, something relevant, make a post with a link back.
this is more advanced…..but can be very helpful
The main thing is do a little keyword research.
As I stated in the beginning Social Sharing is even more powerful than SEO
and I will let you in on more about that in an upcoming post!
The bottom line is that:
Google (the search engines) want to let people know about what others are sharing.
As always – I want to hear from you.
Please leave your comments, questions and thoughts below!
Like and Tweet this post Today
To recap on how to increase traffic to your blog:
1. Find Quality Content
2. Do keyword research (choose a word with 10,000 or less searches, for easier ranking)
3. Post your keyword in the title of your blog, first paragraph, middle paragraph, and final paragraph.
4. Add your Keyword in the Tags and that’s a very simple method, how to increase traffic to your blog
Click Here to Work with me personally.
PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day
The Easy Way Here!
Empower Network
To Your Success!
Christer B Herou
Christer B Herou

Why Empower Network Produces Results

Empower Network - Why We Produce Results

Any successful internet entrepreneur (those weird people who make money online from home) who has kept up to date and relevant with the way the internet is ran, managed, and growing knows that systematization of all tedious tasks and “non-money-making” activities is a must. Utilizing the advantageous automated software systems and programs allows for you to take massive action towards leveraging a ‘point in click’ – ‘plug in play’ system funnel that is high-converting and offers sincere value in their products.
Let’s cover the 7 Essentials Empower Network provides you:

1) Empower Network 100% Commissions Compensation Plan

Most individuals believe 30-40% commissions is good per sale, then they come across the Empower Network compensation plan which pays you every sale minus the daily merchant acquaintances. Due to the fact of the Empower Network products being some of the best in the business, they allow you to earn upfront commissions on the blogging system and inner circle marketing trainings and more.
2) Empower Network Comprehensive Marketing System
After reaping what you sow with 100% commissions, you must make a decision and understand the leverage created here. Maximize your ability to take advantage and make use of a complete internet marketing education system and sales funnel process that is proven to produce results for you at much more effective and higher rates than any other opportunity or online business scheme to date.
3) Empower Network’s Built-In High-Converting Funnel Process
Now we recognize the automated systems in place are stable and working, we need a high-converting funnel or process that works in conjunction with the marketing system that gives step by step details and instructions on how to get the most out of the Empower Network member experience.
Empower Network produces results
4) Empower Network’s How-To Get Traffic 101 Training
As a high-converting sales machine Empower Network is perfect; however one problem or challenge exists and is the absolute back breaker for 97% of internet marketers out there. It all boils down to one word: TRAFFIC.
Understanding that attention goes where energy flows and realize the more eyeballs you get to the Empower Network Products and System the better your chances of instantaneous success. The Empower Network Inner Circle Audio Trainings are the bread and butter and key to learning the insider secrets of hundreds and thousands of online marketers and bloggers today. All the website traffic secrets are inside the Empower Network for anyone looking to dramatically and radically shift their entire business and perspective.
5) Empower Network’s Methodical Conversation Rates
We have the sound-proof system, proven funnel, and guru-marketing traffic teachings – now we need conversations. Once you utilize and contribute traffic to your funnel the conversations will continue to go up. Get dialed in with email marketing auto responder campaigns which are proven to reveal peak states of conversations and upsells.
6) Empower Network Sales & Make Money Structure
Coming full circle, the Empower Network system, funnel, traffic, and conversations will now equate to immediate money and sales. The 100% commissions that we initially are going after seem much more legit and valid and achievable.
7) Empower Network’s Lifestyle Awareness Journey
Just as the seventh day of every week, Sunday is the day of rest. Comparable to Empower Network’s fully automated online wealth machine, we know how important a little time away from the computer can be and allow you to follow suite with the 80/20 rule of life.
Check this out if you still have questions!
Join our 15K Pro Team and live your life in abundance just like us!
To Your Success!
Christer B Herou
Christer B Herou
Empower Network