fredag 27. desember 2013

Don't watch this if...

If you already have all the traffic you need to your
website then DON'T watch this webinar replay video.

Again if you already have enough website traffic and
you can't handle any more then DON'T watch the video.

For everyone else...

Make sure you watch the webinar replay before it is
gone for good.

Have a great weekend,

- Christer

torsdag 26. desember 2013

EXPOSED (the real truth about traffic)

Prepare to be shocked by the truth. 

Today at 12PM EST (Just a couple hours from now) Dave and Dave will be LIVE on a hangout sharing with youhow to generate massive windfalls of traffic online. 

Today they are pulling back the curtains to share with you. The exact methods that they are using to generate moretraffic than anyone else in this industry. The shocking truth about traffic generation as they "pull back the wool" from your eyes that all the so called "traffic experts" have lied to you about trying to convince you...

 "How hard it is to get traffic" 
Guess what?  It's absolute B.S.  

And they will be LIVE dispelling those myths along with sharing with you exactly how you can implement these strategies into your business, regardless of your experience. 

This webinar will be the single most valuable presentationon the topic of traffic that you have ever seen, period.

It's happening today at 12PM EST. 

Click here to claim your spot. >>> <<< 

I'll see you there. 

- Christer


mandag 23. desember 2013

Tonight at 9PM EST

"Smart people learn from their mistakes wise people learn from the mistakes of others"

Want to know the 'secret recipe' to success?

Learn from those who have walked before you.

The quickest way to avoid continuous trial and error, is to find out what has and what hasn't worked for others.

... And that's exactly what is happening tonight at 9PM EST.

Chris & Susan Beesley will be LIVE on our Empower Hour call sharing with you the three C's that you can apply into your life and business to make 2014 your best year ever.

You owe it to yourself to be on this call.

Just dial this number: (209) 255-1040 at 9PM EST.

Ps. If you are not from the US, you can use Skype freeconferencing.0900 (follow the instructions)

See you there!

- Christer 

Christer B Herou
 Are you ready to change your life?

fredag 20. desember 2013

Yup, We're Baaaack :)

Tonight was one of the most powerful "hangouts" 
we've ever done. 

Click Here - See What I Mean 

One of our leaders here at Empower 

There's an expansion of consciousness happening like 
never before. 

Tonight, listening to two men I respect as much as my 

husband... as much as my father... talk about the vision 
for our collective futures, I was brought to tears. 
I had a powerful realization that this company is on the 

leading edge of that expansion, changing and empowering 
lives as we go. Waking people up to their own greatness.

We are not just in "an opportunity". We are part of a 

movement. Our events are literally electric.

There are huge spiritual leaders that speak life into their 

congregations. These men do the same on a different 
platform and I'm in awe of their vision and fortitude and 
so deeply, incredibly grateful.

I am even more firmly rooted in the knowledge that my husband
and I are in the right place at the right time with the right 
people. Yes, our lives have been changed by the incredible 
income we've earned, but to know how we did it and with 
who and now where we're going together makes it so 
amazingly sweet. 
Thank You. 

Click Here and See What She Means For Yourself 

If you're not yet a part of the "team" there's a button 
below the video to join. 

There's also a way to get tickets to the Miami event 
for a deep discount, for a very limited time. 

Just enter access code: 2014 

Looking forward to seeing you either from the 

....or on the stage :) 

Either way, it's going to be BIG. 

Get ready...

- Christer 
Are you ready to change your life?



tirsdag 17. desember 2013

Breaking News: Santa Arrested!


Tonight's team webinar will reveal coveted email tricks that Santa has been hiding in his stockings all year…

This surely will increase you holiday gift buying power to make this Christmas your future grand-grand kids remember. Crazy but true.

This will all be revealed tonight Tuesday, December 17th at 8:30pm EST!

See you on the training!

- Christer

mandag 16. desember 2013

Time again...

…for the most popular and successful telephone call on the entire internet:

'Empower Hour' Call Tonight, LIVE at 9:00pm ET

There will be a couple thousand people on the call, so dial in at least 10 minutes early!

Dial in at +1 (209)-255-1040 at 9:00pm ET tonight!

Ps. If you are not from the US, you can use Skype
freeconferencing.0900 (follow the instructions)

See you there! 

- Christer

Are you ready to change your life?

søndag 15. desember 2013

“Conquering Communication Cowardice” Training at 8 EST!

You are cordially invited to “The Women’s Lounge”
this Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 8:00PM EST
The Weekly Women’s Lounge discusses
 wholeness in motivation, success, wealth, health and happiness.
This week’s topic:
“Conquering Communication Cowardice”
What is the MOST COMMON fear? 
It isn’t sharks..
…or spiders….
…or heights…
…or even being caught naked…
It isn’t even DEATH….
Communication is a crucial component of being human.
 It is how we share our ideas, build relationships, teach,
 and inspire.Yet, according to the National Institute of 
Mental Health, 74%  people have speech anxiety!
What is it about speaking in front of others that make s
us want to run for the hills, and what can we do about it?
Tonight we discuss practical ways to overcome fears of
 public speaking and presenting your ideas to people
in live audience and via recordings.
So grab a comfy seat, a tasty drink, a notebook,
and come get inspired with us!
To attend simply click the link below at
 8:00PM EST tonight, December 15, 2013.

See you there,

lørdag 14. desember 2013

Last Episode and Final Thoughts

Welcome back to the last video from our new CEO, Jonathan Cronstedt. 

In this final episode Jonathan shares what made him lock arms with Empower Network.

It's all about bringing worlds together. Expanding internationally, growing the vision and tapping into your inner power. Helping you create an empowered lifestyle. 

Make it a perfect day!

PS: Are you ready to join us and change your life forever?


The Story Continues

Welcome back to the next episode. This is part 3 of 4 in this video series.

In today's video our CEO of Empower Network, Jonathan, shares his background in business and marketing, from the mortgage industry to CEO of Digital Marketer.

Watch the video and enjoy!

Jonathan shares his personal story

In today's video, Jonathan shares his personal story, his background in Marketing and why he dresses his dog in sweaters.

Watch the video and make this the best day of your life so far!

onsdag 11. desember 2013

Video that sticks

In this brief video, my business partner Scott Z. shares some quick tips that will make your videos more effective.

Enjoy and make it a great day!

- Christer B Herou
PS. Are you ready for a change in your life and/or in your business?